Scholarship Programs

Buddhist women in Bangladesh face many challenges in their pursuit of education. One of the greatest challenges for women is inadequate preparation at the primary level. The poor quality of schooling hampers girls in pursuing secondary and higher education. Another challenge is financial. Parents are unable to afford to buy uniforms and books to enable their education.


In 2002, four young women from the Marma Buddhist community in Rajasthali, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh, were selected to study in Thailand. This was an important step, since few girls in Bangladesh have ever had the opportunity for a Buddhist education. In May 2007, Azaima Marma completed a B.A. in Buddhist Studies at Mahapajapati Buddhist College and is now studying for an M.A. at Mahachulalongkorn University in Bangkok. In May 2010, U Mra Ching Marma and Hla Shwe U Marma completed B.A. degrees in Buddhist Studies at Mahapajapati Buddhist College and now teaching in Bangladesh. Another student, U Nyo Mra Marma, completed her B.A. and is planning to pursue an M.A. in Buddhist Studies at Mahachulalongkorn University.


In 2006, four young women from the Chittagong Hill Tracts who were studying at the University of Chittagong applied to Jamyang Foundation for assistance to continue their studies. Because of the poverty and educational disadvantages, it is rare for young woman from indigenous Buddhist areas to pursue higher education. On the basis of their academic achievement and financial need, these four students were awarded scholarships and more were awarded later. The scholarships are renewable annually, based on continued academic achievement. A ceremony to celebrate the awards and honor these young women was held at the office of the District Executive Officer at Rajasthali in April 2007. All these students have now completed B.A. degrees in the Department of Oriental Languages (Pali and Sanskrit) at Chittagong University and have gone on to pursue graduate studies. Myasai Ching Marma completed the M.A. and is now teaching in Rajasthali.


Two students from the Himalayan region received scholarships to pursue higher education in India. These students received many years of monastic education at Jamyang Foundation study programs and excelled at their studies. Each expressed a keen interest and showed an aptitude for higher education. On this basis, they were selected for full scholarships. These scholarships are also renewable annually, based on continued academic achievement. Dorje Dolma completed a B.A. in Sanskrit at Kullu College. Tensin Dadon (Sonam Wangmo) completed an M.A. in Buddhist Studies at the University of Delhi and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Religion and Gender Studies at the University of Malaya.